Wednesday, March 14, 2012

T-Shirt Time

Surprise surprise I'm still plugging away at the paperwork. I am enjoying doing the research and finding out about all these things I had no knowledge of before going through the process of organising this trip. But I must say, it's a full-time job for both of us! I get an hour's lunch break each day and try to cram in research, phone calls and emails pertaining to the organising of this trip. Then when I get home there's always something to organise - an email to shoot off, a website to read, a form to fill out etc get the picture. I would love to be able to devote much more time to all of this but unfortunately money is paramount so I must keep on working to help get the money in and save like a crazy woman.

For me, this year is split into thirds. The first third is happening now. Organising the trip, settling into my new job and putting as much money into savings as humanly possible. The second third is the trip itself - ahhhh. The last third is post-trip - getting back into work (or me looking for a new job - whatever the case turns out to be), picking up the car from the wharf in Sydney (what a day that'll be!), going through photos and stories with family and friends trying to pass on some of our experiences.

Well, amongst all this organising and fretting I've actually been able to put my creative bones to use. It was the lovely Graeme's birthday last week and for his present I bought two plain t-shirts which I then printed a design onto. Here's the pictures - apologies that the last picture is on it's side. Dunno what happened there and can't be stuffed fixing it if I'm honest.

So there you go, official 'Two Magadan' t-shirts! For those who are interested, I did these designs in a free photo manipulation program called Gimp. It's sort of based on Photoshop but, being free, is obviously nowhere near as good. In fact, as the number of layers increased as the designing progressed, the program crashed quite consistently. Hmmm. So word of advice if you want to download it and have a play, SAVE YOUR WORK CONSTANTLY!! Gosh I lost work so often because I was silly and didn't learn that lesson quickly enough. Anyway, kudos to the people who contribute to making the program and for keeping it free.

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