Saturday, June 16, 2012

Less than one week to go…

Cassie and I are both fluctuating between, sadness, anticipation, nervousness all the way back to sheer excitement. We do find ourselves having silly ‘last’s about everything. Like last Friday at work, last time we drive down the coast, last time I’ll put fuel in the car, last Saturday morning breakfast etc. Cassie also put into perspective how long our trip is: if we were arriving back home now, we would have left mid February – that’s huge!

We again have been sent more pertinent information about the road of bones which will be invaluable. We’re so grateful to all those who have contributed in some way.

I’m loading my phone with the top 1000 songs of all time which should be a welcome treat on our long roads. Oddly enough, ~1400 songs is still only 25 days of music listening four hours a day. I hope its enough. I wonder what local radio is like? If there is any?

For the last year we’ve been not watching the latest releases of our favourite TV shows so that we now have a huge collection of TV shows to gradually watch on rainy days, or to help us wind down at the end of the day.

I feel like there are so many little things I need to get done, like the iPhone thing, uploading a few videos to YouTube, do some lame homework rubbish I’ve been handed on Friday – ugh. I really should write a list so I don’t get overwhelmed.

We waved good bye to my family last Monday (a small sample pictured below), and we’ll do the same with Cassie’s parents this weekend. We’re finding that everyone wants to see us in some way or another before we go. It’s amazing actually, I didn’t think people actually cared so much.


Our last weekend with my brother. He has a gold panning YouTube channel, so this was a how-to video for his channel.

Our ship has somewhat dropped off the radar. Literally. We figure it’s sank and our car is at the bottom of the ocean. I do say that with much jest, but there is a part of me which wishes I bought marine insurance. Oh well. Early this week we casually asked the Melbourne based shipping agent as to what ship our container would be on from Busan to Vladivostok… no response. My cynical side has me thinking now they have our money, there is no interest in entertaining us. I hope I’m wrong. We have heard some horror stories but I think we’ve learnt from everyone before us, so hopefully we get through easy.
As promised, please find below a really quick and dirty cut of my trip to Cameron Corner. I had several hours of footage cut down to just one hour, enough to tell the story…. and this is even smaller cut!
I’ve started the upload for this video, but it’ll take all night, so if it’s not instantly available, check back tomorrow.

My quick trip to Cameron Corner and back. Sorry it’s taken me so long to eventually upload this.

Perhaps now I should stop procrastinating and do the stuff I really must do?

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