Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Leaving Magadan

Graeme: I thought I’d do a quick post before we take off this morning. I’m excited yet nervous about leaving. Perhaps now, knowing the distances and times, that the enormity of the trip is setting in.  I had no problem having breakfast, but I feel like the trip is starting now and perhaps the trip this far has just been getting to the starting line. Meh, now that I’ve written this, all the nervousness has gone. There is a sadness leaving this place. It is very nice and represents availability of supplies to us. We’re a sentimental pair of crazies. We do ‘lasts’, like the last time we have breakfast here, knowing we’ll never be back. Last shower etc.
The sadness comes from knowing that in all likelihood that we’ll never be back. If you knew you’d be back, the sensation may not be there. I find it hard to positively absorb good bye’s – I see them only as sad, seldom ever happy. I guess that’s the measure of if you’ve been touched by a place or person by how reluctant you are to wave goodbye to it/them.

On a logistical level, Magadan also represents an ‘opt out’ point. It’s here, or Vladivostok. Leaving from anywhere between Mongolia and France is pretty much out of the question. Well, it’s not out of the question for us as people, but bringing the car I suspect would prove too expensive. Oh well, we’re not quitting so it doesn’t matter.

We’re just going to take our time. Going slower may be the whole tortoise and hare analogy. We may end up winning by not stopping for failed tyres.

I realised I forgot to put this video in the blog. It was a bit of fun way before we had any problems with tyres. Hope you enjoy – certainly no offense intended for Mr Moon or the associated brand.

Don’t worry people, we’re fine, it’s just a nice way of saying we liked Magadan and we’re sad to say good bye to it.


  1. The tire skit needs to have sections of video with you swearing at another puncture, or photos of the damage the road of bones did to these:)

  2. You go guys - theirs a whole world out there and I'm looking forward to the adventure. Love the tyre skit, you may put Russell Coight,aka Glen Robbins out of business (look him up people)!!!!!!! Love you both, stay happy. Mum D. XXXXOOOO

  3. Hahahahaha... Thats gold.. From Cassie T

  4. Responses to some comments:

    "Meh, now that I’ve written this, all the nervousness has gone". - a bit cathartic?

    "We’re just going to take our time." - Hooray!! :-)

    Now I want to see an anti-maxis tyres video. LOL

  5. That's hilarious, Graeme!

    The end of one journey marks the beginning of another. Enjoy! Canberra's cold can wait.

  6. hmmmm... this video could be the begining of a new career. :)
    all it needs now is a follow up video. LOL


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