Saturday, February 20, 2010

OK - What is this

Hello. At this stage this blog is a way for us to record our thoughts, feelings, ideas and concerns for an epic adventure we will be embarking on in the year 2012. At this stage, this is more like a diary so I don't imagine much of this will go live.

Why so early? Because it's going to be expensive, difficult and our lives are going to have to be setup just so to pull this off. This tool will also be an excellent way of documenting the planing, and the trip.

OK - What is it?
We plan, to drive from London UK, to Magadan in far eastern Russia. In case you think this sounds familiar, it's because it was done on Long Way Round in 2004 by Ewan McGreggor & Charley Boorman.

You may ask why would anyone want to drive that kind of distance, through countries that don't seem that interesting? Well, you know sometimes, you see something, hear something and there's just something that grabs you. Brian Tracy once coined this as 'your hearts desire'. That thing that you know you would always want to do, but be afraid to attempt. A thing that always calls to you like distant music'... well that's it. As soon as I saw the Long Way Round programme I was intrigued but in the same vain, a bit disappointed that me, among most people in life, never get to do what they really dream.

I couldn't envisage any way that I would ever be able to achieve such an epic feat. But amazingly enough, the more people you listen to, will tell you that it's not necessary, it's a waste of money, it's a waste of time and fundamentally why would you want to? Well I don't know - but I think it will be worth it.
We are going to come up against lots of nay-sayers that for thier own reasons would not like to see people do what they want in life.

With this in mind I could either become bitter at missed opportunities or make some.

I continually refer to another piece of wisdom. 'Live every day as if you may die tomorrow, but also that you will live a hundred years. If you can hold these two thoughts simultaneously this is the essence of zen.' For a young person, I am continually torn between celebrating youth with numerous toys and holidays, or saving for a longer future, where I can enjoy freedom in old age.

Consider that one day, you may wake up in hospital with a disability, or just having left it too late, or just limited yourself with debt or commitments... ultimatly leaving you with no chance of doing the things you dreamed of. Would regret feature strongly in your thoughts?

I will post more later.


  1. I've heard it said that on one's death bed, it's not the things you did that you regret, but the things you didn't do.

    1. What if you were on your death bed because of something stupid you did? ;-)


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