Monday, September 10, 2012


Sorry for the absence of updates. The reality is, nothing worth noting has happened. We're both in good spirits and slept well last night. We didn't hit the road till maybe 9:30-10:00.
Yesterday we purchased an audiobook using fuel-station wifi. It took about an hour to download, so we stalled with numerous drinks, toilet visits etc. It's one part of Stephen Fry's autobiography entitled 'Fry chronicles'. What's weird, it's only probably 2-3 hours long, which for a book doesn't sound long enough.

We visited L'viv today. More pretty cobblestone streets. The car is starting to stand out now. Most people are doing double-takes in an effort to figure out which country has fluro yellow numberplates. If you bought 'European' style plates for your car, it would blend in seamlessly.

We drove 450KM today and as a result we should be into Slovakia tomorrow all going well, we're only ~220KM from the border.
Dinner tonight is tomato flavored rice with steak. Basic but good.

Position: 12-09-09 17:15:50 +0300 +0000,23.91602&q=49.40662,23.91602&z=16

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