Our Spot location message does not seem to have come through, so the position info is below. I can't remember which country, but Kazakhstan may have been the one country where coverage by Globalstar was a bit limited. Roads for the most part today have been brilliant.
That bright dot in our photo of our camp tonight is actually the sun. We are fortunate to have a cloudy afternoon. We've stopped early to take full advantage of this rare opportunity.
Today we went to a mosque at Turkestan which was alright. Can you hear the excitment in my voice?! lol nah it was actually pretty cool, but the mosque was under repair so the signature blue domes have scaffolding all over them and the rooms are very much empty. A family wanted very much to have our picture taken with them. Again weird to think that we're on someones phone somewhere. I'm pretty sure facebook would have enough biometric data from photos that I'm in, to match me to photos across the world? Isn't that how facebook works? After the nice encounter with the family, I waved to a little girl that looked back to us. She promptly stuck out her tongue and walked away. Oh well, you win some, you loose some.I also scored another Long Way Round photo.
We had lunch at a nearby cafe which served 'kazakh kebab' - too good to pass up we thought. They only had enough stock for one, so we just got one... thank goodness. It was a big piece of bread like a rodini, four lamb/goat cutlets/riblets, all smokey BBQ like they had been stewing in their own juices all day. Oh my they were good. plus a salad. The young girl had a hankering to practice her english on us which is lovley, but we want to practice Kazakh. In all honesty, we've been speaking Russian as everyone either assumes we're Russian, or that makes up the vast majority of spoken word.
The title of tonight's post is a reference from Seinfeld, nothing more. Tim Watley, recruits guests at his parties to perform jobs in order for the party to run smoothly. Examples include, DJ'ing, making sure people don't put drinks on the speakers, managing coats etc. This one party, Jerry was in charge of not letting people tap on the aquarium glass. Look it up on Youtube.
Position: 12-08-23 18:37:44 +0600 +0000
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