Friday, July 6, 2012

Two videos

Below are two videos. The first is a fairly nothing video of driving out of Vladivostok for those interested. You’ll probably be able to tell we did get lost. We used the GPS once we pulled over and it took us straight out. There are two little bits of footage that play at normal rate at 3:40 and 5:06

Dash camera – Leaving Vladivostok:

Compiled video of the first two days of driving:


  1. lol woah cool. Nice driving, gotta love all the dangerously parked cars/trucks on the side of the roads for you to dodge. Looks like fun.

  2. Holy hell! That city driving was scary, and the dirt roads looked painful.
    How's the left hand steering going in a right hand drive land?

    1. yeah no problem whatsoever. not sure why though ;-)

  3. Wow - those vids bring back memories. You managed to drive a fair bit of Vlad in your unplanned 'detour' :) It was pouring rain, and heavy traffic when we left. And all that new highway was mud 12 months ago, about 50 km of it. It was that mud that destroyed my rear brakes some 5,000 km later.

    The sections of dirt in the second video looked like it hadnt changed in 12 months. I recall this was near your camp on the first night? We camped in a quarry about 20 or so km back toward Vlad and hit that dirt on the morning of our second day. The chaotic weaving of drivers is classic hey! Imagine trying that on in Australia.

    The passenger is a very important part of trying to overtake.... you probably have the same discussions as we did. Something like "Do I have enough space to pass"... "I can't tell, the dust is too thick". We also had both of us looking out for potholes, because some of them can break the car. Even now, we have the passenger yell "HOLE" to let the driver know. It is quite funny what has stuck with us 12 months on.

    I can't wait to see photos and vids of your next leg! For your friends and family back home, they can get a taste of what is to come with our two vids on youtube. Google search "youtube road of bones bogs" and our vids are titled "Crossing a River on the Road of Bones, Siberia" and "Crossing Bogs on the Road of Bones / Kolyma highway" - thanks to Bolot of in Yakutsk for editing and posting these.

    I am now addicted to your blog!


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