Tom/Kelly/Jon: Lol – I wonder how I’d go about hiring one. I think they would frown with confusion when we turned up in our lovely white machina and asked to hire one of there's. It would make for a good review. ‘Um, yep, windscreen, er um, no power brakes, no syncro’s in the gearbox’ etc.
Warren: The silver bit tilts up and they sleep up top.
Li/Anthony: Hi – welcome! Glad to have you along!
Steven/Others: Although that video looks like we crossed the river just to clean the car, there was two days between when we crossed over, drove to tomtor, then crossing back – I should have made it clearer, sorry.
Paul: Cheers – Well, destination is now London, via Mongolia, Khazakstan, Ukraine, Slovakia, Beligum, Germany, France.
Warren: Yeah, we’ve had to drive under the bucket twice now ;-) And yes, stunning scenery. The cameras don’t do the scale justice.
Mum D: Thanks mum – yep stocked up.
Can we have a guessing competition? We’re not sure what these were. The posts in the far right of the shot lined the road in roughly 1M spacing. Pictured in the middle is a junction box. My guess is some kind of moisture detection, like in an automatic watering system. But why for 10KM out of Susuman? Large sections of it are disconnected, so not sure how useful it is? The probes are about 10CM long and made of steel. I do have a model number off the top of one, but googling it would be cheating!
Looks like a Russian Soda Stream maker to me. Gigi reckons its a transformer. She cant clarify if its a decepticon or an autobot.