Friday, July 13, 2012

All going to plan

All going to plan we will be in Magadan tomorrow. As we write this, we're ~430KM from Magadan. There has been nothing to stop for today. Even our intended sight to see of 'Kadakychan' the abandoned town we missed due to a roadworks deversion. That, or it looked like every other functioning town which is entirely possible. Most of the towns look abandoned by our standards. Wait, make that war torn by our standards. That sounds really snootey, but if we knew no different, they would be fine. Words cannot describe how depressing most of them are. Entirely devoid of colour, people and sound. We've driven through the last six towns looking for a Kafe - nope. The closest we got was 'there is one, but meh, it's no good. forget I said that'. So we're stopped to have dinner, do the post and we'll do a little bit more driving this afternoon. It may sound very shotgun-tourist, but we're just excited to get to Magadan so that we can rest properly, get some photos and video to you guys an
d get the car serviced. I hope it's not like most the towns we've been through, or we'll be shipping the car back ;-) Nah I'm just kidding.

We had a great sleep last night and the roads for the most part today have been very good. Some of them feel like you're sharing them with mining trucks as they sweep through hours of mining operations. I'm not sure what they are looking for? Maybe it's shale-oil or gold, I'm not sure. If it was gold, I'm sure you could see it. If you dropped a coke can, the colour contrast alone would mean you could see it a mile off.

Tonight for dinner is spaghetti with, you guessed it - potato. We are finding a tiny trend that fruit and vegetables (other than potato) are making their way into the stores as we head towards the coast. When you're in the city, you tend not to miss things like vegetables.

We've had pretty good fortune with the tyres today. Overnight and most of today the tyres didn't budge, holding strong. We did arrive at one town to find them somewhat low. We put one more plug in and no more leaks. We pumped them back up again, and weirdly, no change since. I want to know why, but I also over thinking about them.

Thanks again to everyone that's commented. It's nice to see some of you come out of the woodwork! We're staggered to see lots of new travelers using our blog as a reference. We may even meet one set of travelers half way to London which could be very cool.

Good evening.

Position: 12-07-13 19:09:28 +1000 +0000,151.1113&q=62.34269,151.1113&z=16

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting day you had in Ust Nera, thats the type of stuff for the memories and there is still more to come I'm on the edge of my seat for the next great story. It's funny how there are some people who don't give a.. and those who go out of thier way to help you and more .. it's probly the most exciting thing they've done all week, to interact with some Aussies. You need to try some more local delicacies, there has to be something out there you might like, try swigging some vodka first :-) that"ll improve the taste.
    Good to see that you are getting into spirit of it all.
    Be safe & take care.



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