Friday, June 22, 2012

Can’t sleep

The upside of sleep alluding me is that I’ve finally finished closed captions for the half hour long ‘Cameron Corner’ video. They will no doubt be inaccurate and terribly spelt, but they will no doubt help someone out down the track.
It’s raining sporadically outside which sounds terrific.

The circle of thoughts that wake you up are often amusing in retrospect. I was concerned that I wouldn’t have time to wash Cassie’s car before we put it in the garage tomorrow afternoon. And that even if I had time tomorrow afternoon, I wouldn’t want to put it away wet. Also combined with how the delicate operation of getting the car in the garage, at ‘peak hour’ could be troublesome. That and the fact most my tools are in the Troopy, how would I disconnect the battery?!
These photos were from a test run a few weeks ago.

That, coupled with the realisation that I nearly forgot our new video camera had me up in a heartbeat. It’s a funny human trait how we must ‘tie up loose ends’. Finishing those closed captions, cleaning my desk at work. In saying that, the joy we get from severing ties is usually worth it.

It was funny today, a gentleman in my work circle casually assumed “oh that trip sounds great. I’ll be emailing you some things in a few weeks… you’ll be right to get them… yes?” um… nope! I don’t care that technically I’d be able to check work email, I have no desire to whatsoever. I need a break! Around seven years and I’ve only had one decent month long break. It’s our turn now! As well, surely I’m going to be a better worker after being well rested.

I’d like to reiterate how lovely it is to have everyone call and wish us well. Everyone has been so positive and supportive. I just hope we can live up to their expectations. One of those ‘oh crap’ moments where the blaringly obvious comes to light, came up in discussion over dinner with my brother Paul. He said, “ah ok, so at work tomorrow, leave Canberra tomorrow evening, then Sydney to Seoul on Saturday, then Russia Sunday?'” Um, yep. HOLY CRAP! - When everyone else in our world will be heading to work on Monday, we’ll be in the shipping agent’s office in Vladivostok having tea. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN SO FAST?! On foot, we’d be lucky to make it to Goulbourn over a whole weekend, how we can be on the other side of the world in the same amount of time astounds me!

Wow, it’s getting late. I probably should try go to sleep. That and I’m shivering from the cold. Ah, only a few more days and we should be warm as!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great 'holy crap' moment - one I'm sure envious of. What will I be doing on Monday? Nothing near as cool as being in freakin' Vladivostok!


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