On a side note, I've decided my blog posts look super boring with no pictures, so here's a random picture off the net (image credit: vteamessex.wordpress.com - even though they probably nicked it from somewhere!).
Anyway, with the scene set, here's what we're up to with the paperwork involved in getting us and the car through our journey. Wonderful news is that we've both got our Russian visas now. I realised the day before I went to pick up my visa that this means the trip is now physically doable. With both of us having access into Russia, we're able to collect the car and drive all the way through Russia and into the EU. Of course this isn't the plan, but worst case we can still get the car, have a great trip and get home.
We've also sent off our Australian import application form. We need an import certificate to allow us to bring the car back into Australia and that'll take another couple of weeks to process.
Next we're applying for our Ukraine visas. We're deliberately not applying for the visas in order of travel due to the timeframe of the visas themselves and the application timeframes.
If the voicemail at the Ukraine embassy is correct, they close at 6pm each evening, so we're going to scoot round there today after work to drop in our visa applications. Fingers crossed their office is open and it goes smoothly as we're not able to obtain the exact visa support document that is typically required for applications. Instead, I rang the embassy last week and strained my little ears trying to decipher what the guy was saying in his very heavy Ukrainian accent! In a very simplified version, part of the conversation went a little something like this: Ukrainian guy..."Are you an Australian citizen?" - Me (after paraphrasing back to him what I thought he said)..."Yes" - Ukrainian guy..."Then all you need is a covering letter explaining your situation" - Me..."Are you sure we only need a covering letter?" - Ukrainian guy..."Yes, you are an Australian citizen, it'll be fine". Hmmm, good to be an Aussie? I hope so.
I'm a tad nervous going, particularly because I've learnt it's not always easy to understand what the people in these embassies are saying because of their accents. I've asked Graeme to come along with me because, well, I'm a chicken! I want another set of ears and another brain to help me just in case it gets a bit confusing. I'm sure I'm worrying about nothing. But hey, it'll be nice to have Graeme there sharing the experience with me - that's secretly why I've asked him along anyway! Oops, there's my secret plan revealed!
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