I came home early today to study up on the alphabet, but when I went to put in to practice translating a basic sign, I couldn’t make any sense of it. And I mean, none at all. Google translate gets it pretty close but it was still nearly useless.
According to Google Translate it means ‘NOTE! DANGEROUS RABBIT LOOP’
According to my rough phonetic translation it reads ‘VNIMANIE! OPACIY UCHACTOK’
I’m not sure about you, but if my life depended on it, I couldn’t read the words on that sign.
It puts me in such a fowl mood but I’m not sure if it’s because I can’t figure it out or because other people can. Throughout my life I’ve felt comfortable with learning as it usually builds progressively on things you already know. It’s no great leap for a mechanic to learn about a new kind of engine, but for a mechanic to learn hairdressing or painting, it just doesn’t seem to happen. I would guess that people pursue careers or interests in fields that are in line with their thinking. I seem to have a mind that likes to solve problems. I love fixing things and figuring out how they work… it seems like a natural progression that I work in IT.
Learning another language to which I have no basis to build on just isn’t working. I’m quite disappointed in myself and feel selfish and stupid for giving up on it. It just doesn’t compute for me. Cassie would argue that it doesn’t make sense to her either, but I challenge that her mind is better equipped for this kind of learning… and in a classroom environment. That or she is more disciplined and not lazy.
Update: Cassie has just gotten home and working with Google translate: Attention! Dangerous site loop.
We still cant quite figure out what the bit in brackets are but it keeps coming up with 'cleft'
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