It seems only yesterday I started writing this blog! Today my dad cut out a heap of rear panels as the existing ones were mostly damaged. Here they are but not yet attached. I’ve just ordered some new ‘trim plugs’ to install them properly.
Here is ‘Charlie helping to clean out the dust
Cassie filled the empty space with insulation to help with sound insulation and thermal control. It will compliment our window insulation once we organise it. It made a remarkable difference on the drive home, the back of the car was entirely silent! No tyre noise, none of that thudding suspension kind of noise!
My dad also cut up the pieces that will make up the cabinet. These came from three pieces of melamine ‘shelving’ from Bunnings, they were close to perfect size, and pre-edged which will look nice.
Below is an animation of a few of the minor changes to the design. As I continually discover, whatever you think is perfect, can usually be improved upon. Once this part is built, we will look at the bed side as it will need some ingenious design to provide a level and strong sleeping platform, and ideally a removable table for use outside! I’ll need to have the main section in place to enable me to take more accurate measurements. As anyone who has tried to fit out a car interior will know, nothing is straight which makes designing difficult.
Thanks again to all my helpers.
ReplyDeleteI used this for all non 90 degree angles in my car pc install. Its semi pliable when first sprayed. I placed flat metal on top of the foam to create the straight 90 degree angles. Then fibre glassed over it for added strength. and then filler/kneed-it to complete. Takes alot of sanding and is time consuming. But results are perfect finish. Looks factory