Well, indirectly it's trip related as it is a setback.
Today one of the work cars was broken into. It was one of a few parked on the road that were all damaged. For the great majority of the day, I was completely unfazed by this event. These things happen I said. That was until I called the insurance company - they want to charge a $~650 excess which I am struggling to remain peaceful about. When challenged, the unhelpful representative informed me that as the person that damaged the car can't be identified, I have to wear the expense. It shouldn't come as a surprise, as I understand their perspective, but when I've had 6 policies (3 I currently maintain) with this insurer and never made a claim... I struggle to see the justice. The policy costs ~$700/Year. Multiply that by all the years and I think they owe me. I will approach them with fresh perspective tomorrow to see if I get anywhere.
Initially I wasn't even angry at the thief who would have got all of $5 in change out of the car. But as I drove home in the freezing cold with a broken window in the car that I saved to purchase, service, clean and generally baby, my concern for the welfare of the individual or individuals is gone. There is glass everywhere. For seats that have never had anything spilt on, carpets that have never been uncovered, to see glass shards through everything - it's heart breaking to say the least. I'm confident I'll be finding glass for years. All for what... $5?! Thanks - *feel free to insert your own expletive*
I can't help but wonder, what you would do, if you saw the perpetrator. I imagine that otherwise placid individuals, would quickly see the situation accelerating into the perpetrator's head getting smashed on the kerb with whatever they used to damage your belongings. How are people raised with such disrespect and lack of regard for other people. I really don't know. Well, I have my suspicions, but here is not the place.
Has anyone seen Gran Turino?
Wow, that sucks mega balls. Gran Turino great movie. Some real justice server up there. But f#*king wankers.