Saturday, May 29, 2010

Long Way Round - final thoughts

Just thought I'd quickly jot down a quote that Ewan McGregor said at the tail end of LRW.

"I hope it will inspire people that it's possible. A lot of things in life, people don't do because of the 'what-if's'. What if this happens? What if that happens? What if you run out of petrol?... And it stops us doing things. and in actual fact the what if's and the might-be's are what makes it so exciting. Every time we got in to trouble, or your bike broke down, we met people that helped. It's a really optimistic view of the world that I have now... All the people that we have met all 'round the world have incredibly generous, nice people."

Most days, it definitely feels too hard, and totally not achievable. But one out of ten days i will wake up with such vigor and conviction that this is possible. I need to learn how to keep that spirit more often.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

How oh how

Just finished watching Long Way Round up to where they reach Magadan. We've taken numerious notes to try to choose the best time to travel through russia to avoid the minus 50 celcius temps, but also stupidly high rivers. But most of all, how the hell are we going to make this happen.
Saving this much money, getting the time off work, but also just my continual thought, that this is taking us 40K behind everyone else our age... I'm not so sure.